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We all have physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Each effects the other, there is no separating them. Yet we are often not equipped to deal with our mental and emotional issues.


A new day awaits anyone ready to embrace a life of wellness that nurtures their whole selves. 



Growing whole

feeling free,


to become the person

I was meant to be.


No more hiding

running scared,


feeling good with

what I’ve shared.


This is me

who I am,


complete with faults

you see the man.


Finished trying

done pretending,


that deep inside

I wasn’t dying.


Fitting the mold

denying self,


all to please

someone else.


This is me

I am whole,


when living in-sync

with my soul.

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Recovery is a Lifestyle

Countless people are engaged in what we refer to as recovery, living an intentional lifestyle that accepts and embraces our life’s experiences, conditions, and goals for healthy living.  My personal story includes living undiagnosed for most of my life with five mental health conditions including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder. My experiences are not unlike many people coping with diagnosed and undiagnosed mental health conditions, the residue of trauma, low self-esteem, and a whole range of emotional challenges. 


 As hard as this might be to believe, it is not uncommon to hear people in recovery exclaim that they love their conditions. When I say that I love my generalized anxiety disorder, it doesn’t mean that I love having anxiety, it means that I’ve learned to understand and embrace the toughest aspects of myself as integral parts of the complex man that I am. Dealing directly with my hardest issues has made me better, stronger, and infinitely more compassionate as I see myself in the experiences of others. 


A life-altering shift can happen when we honor the truth of our lives and embrace the whole person that we are through a determined focus to take our lives back.


The Final Choice

Delving deep into my inner core,

Shedding the crutch of external obsessions,


My path awaits,

The lessons abound.


Complete discipline

Equals applied focus,






The final choice.

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